Friday, July 13, 2007

Dont cry

A backache that stretches up to your brain, pulling the nerves that are connected with each other, and it pulls like as if there is a tug-of-war going on up there. It lasted for the whole day. If I knew it was going to be this pain, I wouldn't have let it come out of my eyes. I would have took a boxing glove and punch myself on the face and ask myself to stop crying.

Please do not hurt yourselve by crying. It makes your eyes swell, your body feels numb, it gives you a heavy head and worst of all, it hurts you on the inside. If you had to, bury your head in the freezer, freeze your senses, and cool down. The problems aren't worth the pain.

Fergie actually sang one song very suitable for this - big girls don't cry.
Dedicated to all my friends.

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